Stress and self-care are connected Stress awareness day and self care week are both in November.
3 Mindful movement workshops
“Movement is my medicine, my meditation, my metaphor and my method, a living language we can rely upon to tell us the truth about who we are, who we are with, and where we are going. There is no dogma in the dance”. – G.Roth.” The themes An Invitation to Explore the 5Rhythms’ Conscious Movement … [Read more…]
Why you are not afraid of public speaking!
If you think you are afraid of public speaking , you are not alone. However this blog might help you think again. Is it really the public and the speaking you are afraid of or is it really something deeper you have been avoiding admitting you yourself?
Mindful Moving Meditation
Would you like to be able to relax when you are stuck in a queue, at work or when you are travelling? Do you find meditation or mindfulness doesn’t seem to be practical in those situations? Discover something easy and usable in daily life.
March out of stress, step into deep relaxation!
Stress might be the norm, but it does not have to be that way. Join my free workshop to find out why stress is still such a problem and what you can do about it. Places are limited so book early.
Tinnitus week, get help and support!
Though not dangerous, Tinnitus, can be very annoying, isolating and affect sleep for those who suffer with it. This year Tinnitus week runs from the 4th to the 10th Feb 2019. Tinnitus week Therefore I thought I would share with you 3 things that might improve the condition and also what else I do to … [Read more…]
Goal… Winning the game of life!
Goal setting is very different to setting New Year resolutions. In most cases, a goal (unless you are talking football) is specific, measurable and timed, a New Year resolution rarely is. Yours may already be a distant past. If it isn’t then well done, you have lasted longer than many. I am not a great … [Read more…]
Would you like to overcome overwhelm?
Last month’s mental health awareness week, mentioned stress as being a key factor. You can take their stress test below my take on it. And for people who really want to get a better work life balance, a good sleep and deal with their feeling of overwhelm, I run 20 steps to beat stress workshops. … [Read more…]
The truth about stress
I caught up on BBC iplayer, with the programme called ‘the truth about stress’ . This continues the theme of my previous post. The programme is well worth watching, in the next 10 days if you haven’t already seen it.…/e…/p04yy2n4/the-truth-about-12-stress It has lots of information about the science behind it all. It will give … [Read more…]
April…Awareness month
I just heard on the radio, as I was shopping, that April is ‘pet care’ awareness month. I thought it was stress awareness month! May be this is actually the same after all. Is awareness the only common denominator? You may think pets and stress have nothing in common. Other than the word ‘awareness’, but … [Read more…]