Want to have a safe space to explore how you feel and how you move? We are how we move and 5 Rhythms dance form explores this concept through 5 styles of music. There are no steps to lean, no judgement and nothing to get wrong.
Goal… Winning the game of life!
Goal setting is very different to setting New Year resolutions. In most cases, a goal (unless you are talking football) is specific, measurable and timed, a New Year resolution rarely is. Yours may already be a distant past. If it isn’t then well done, you have lasted longer than many. I am not a great … [Read more…]
What back pain taught me.
Back pain and the 3 areas to consider to get long term relief
Would you like to overcome overwhelm?
Last month’s mental health awareness week, mentioned stress as being a key factor. You can take their stress test below my take on it. And for people who really want to get a better work life balance, a good sleep and deal with their feeling of overwhelm, I run 20 steps to beat stress workshops. … [Read more…]
5 Rhythms taster
Mindful Movement Meditation – a “5 Rhythms Taster Day” in Swindon for the first time! I have been dancing 5 Rhythms, developed by Gabrielle Roth, for about six years. It gives me great pleasure to be able to bring this form of Mindful Moving Meditation for the first time to Swindon, in October. I love … [Read more…]
Stress awareness month is April!
Stress! How to understand it and how to beat it. I expect you’re aware of your own stress levels. But do you know: a. What your triggers are? b. What you can do about them? Now, I speak of stress triggers in the plural for a good reason. Stress is not one single thing. Rather … [Read more…]
April…Awareness month
I just heard on the radio, as I was shopping, that April is ‘pet care’ awareness month. I thought it was stress awareness month! May be this is actually the same after all. Is awareness the only common denominator? You may think pets and stress have nothing in common. Other than the word ‘awareness’, but … [Read more…]