I am excited to be presenting and running a workshop at this event! 20 min talk: ‘Who are you really?’ 45 min workshop: ‘Gaite way to relaxation’ How the way you walk can tell you about yourself. The whole event programme is included with your day ticket. This includes an exciting range of workshops, mini-treatment … [Read more…]
Responding to stress
I hope you are well, despite the current lockdown and changes to everyone’s circumstances. I have been thinking for some time, that I needed to contact my clients and let them know that I’m still able and available, to help online, if they have any issues they need and want support with. However, my abiding … [Read more…]
Happiness… what gets in the way?
When we hear happy New year, what does that mean to us? What does it take to cultivate happiness? For me health is key and dealing with our expectations. You can be happy but you can’t do happy!
Gift giving
Many people think the twelve days of Christmas song and the associated gift giving, as the 12 days leading up to Christmas, when in fact it’s from Christmas to the 6th of January. To find out more about this, my friend and author of secret Swindon and Swindon in 50 buildings, Angela Atkinson has a … [Read more…]
Why you are not afraid of public speaking!
If you think you are afraid of public speaking , you are not alone. However this blog might help you think again. Is it really the public and the speaking you are afraid of or is it really something deeper you have been avoiding admitting you yourself?
Who should your Valentine be?
What is Valentine’s day really all about? Love, you will tell me. I might agree. But to whom this love is directed, is another matter. What can we learn from self care that can benefit our relationship with our loved ones?
Tinnitus week, get help and support!
Though not dangerous, Tinnitus, can be very annoying, isolating and affect sleep for those who suffer with it. This year Tinnitus week runs from the 4th to the 10th Feb 2019. Tinnitus week Therefore I thought I would share with you 3 things that might improve the condition and also what else I do to … [Read more…]
Goal… Winning the game of life!
Goal setting is very different to setting New Year resolutions. In most cases, a goal (unless you are talking football) is specific, measurable and timed, a New Year resolution rarely is. Yours may already be a distant past. If it isn’t then well done, you have lasted longer than many. I am not a great … [Read more…]
Why I don’t have a New Year resolution! 3 reasons they are broken!
Happy New Year and healthy 2018 Yes, it’s that time of year when people make New Year Resolutions. As they are usually to do with health, you might be surprised that whether you have made one or not, is not important to me. Why? Because I know that most people who set one, break it … [Read more…]