A form of mindful moving meditation!
“Movement is my medicine, my meditation, my metaphor and my method, a living language we can rely upon to tell us the truth about who we are, who we are with, and where we are going. There is no dogma in the dance”. – G.Roth. Creator of 5Rhythms
What can you do if you want to exercise but can’t follow a class, have no partner or 2 left feet?
You like the idea of yoga or Tai’chi and be more at peace with yourself, but it seems difficult to learn the moves or postures and feel it might take you years to get the benefits!
Do you like to dance, have fun and don’t like to be judged?
Would you like to be able to navigate the chaos of life more easily?
If so, 5 Rhythms is for you…join us …
- No partner or previous experience of dance needed
- All are welcome young, old, fit or unfit even in a wheelchair
- Nothing to get right or wrong, no steps to learn and no goals
- No judgement from anyone (if you can suspend your own)
- You dance at your level. Just the act of moving to varied music and discovering what ever is there waiting for you to uncover.
- This can be a gentle movement practice, or a fast and breathless dance: the basic wish is that you move to your dance whatever that may be.
The theme
Though each session is an exploration into being mindful and in the present we also like to have a theme.
On the 18th Nov: Through the medium of free dance, celebrate yourself, your close connections, your friends, your celebration of life and your spirit.
We will use the 5 Rhythm’s to help us on this journey and to hold us as we may discover the way to celebrate is also full of emotional one way streets and
dark moments.
Next one planned for Feb 2019.
The five rhythms
First of all, we go through the 5 rhythms so that you can begin to feel them in your own way.
You will then be encouraged to “FLOW” for yourself coming from your feet, follow the beat to let your hips take you into “STACCATO”, next with curiosity move into “CHAOS” and free your head; then drop into your hands for “LYRICAL” and find that part of yourself that wishes to sing and embrace everything. And finally find peace and quiet in “STILLNESS”.
We explore, how each rhythm has its’ own flavour. Our focus is on being conscious of what is present for us in the moment, and also how our movement is affected by our thoughts and your feelings. It is not about how well you or anyone else performs.
We look for the “sweet spot”, the place where we feel wholly together in body, feelings and mind; together with another, the group and the setting. Searching for this combination of the whole self, and repeating the dance as we feel it, can lead into that energetic space where there is only the beat, your breath, your heartbeat and the space to be you.
The music
We have different music each time and is a mix of: electronica, jazz, classical, pop, rock and roll, alternative, some fast some slow.
As Dr. William W. Purkey said:
“sing …as if no one is listening
dance …as if no one is watching
love …as you’ve never loved before
live …as if heaven is here on earth”
If you want to do that, then dare to be brave and join us and fill the form below
Venue: Liddington Village hall, Swindon, SN4 0HB with plenty of free parking. http://liddington.org/wp/hall2/
Date: 18th November 2018 with teacher Gay Murphy – the following one will be Feb 2019
Time: 2pm to 5pm
- £20 early bird £18 by 28th Oct
- Book 2 places get £2 off.
- On the day £22 cash per person
Places are limited to 16 so book now as to avoid disappointment.
Fill this form with names of attendee(s) to reserve your place. Payment details will then be sent to you. For more details call Julie on 01793 495551

The Teacher:
Gay Murphy says: I am a 75 year old grandmother who first found 5Rhythms® twenty five years ago. I immediately fell in love with this practice; it was as if my three year old self was reborn and with her ability to move and dance from within without restraint or self consciousness. Long years of being physically tied up in knots, awkward and shy fell away as I gradually let go of the inhibitions and literally ‘loosened up’ in all manner of ways. I am passionate about teaching conscious dance practice; to encourage others to find the ground under their feet and let their wings fly!
When I am standing in a hall, I have always tried to look for simplicity, as in not too much teaching, respect for each student who shows up and allows themselves be moved, courage for myself to let go and adapt my planned teaching at any time to what is going on in the room; and the confidence to listen to my instincts and to act on them. Encouragement and inspiration to the people who have turned out on a cold night! Surrounding and supporting my teaching is my enthusiasm for these practices and how it touches my heart every time I teach and witness what happens on the dance floor.
On the day:
- Wear loose comfortable clothes; layers to remove as you warm up and put back on as you cool down.
- Dance bare foot or wear comfortable shoes as socks are too slippery on the wood floor.
- Bring some water.
For more about dance and 5 Rhythms:
- What it did for me and why I stared running sessions in Swindon in the evening advertiser article; dance your way to freedom and on my blog about 5 Rhythms events
- Dancing out of depression with 5 Rhythms classes article from the daily echo.
- Shall We Dance? Science Says ‘Go on, It’s Good for You’
Studies have started to emerge on the positive impacts community dance activity can have on different populations, across a range of issues. Huffington Post - Dancing to happiness BBC programme with Darcey Bussell
Can’t make the date and want to be kept informed of the next event subscribe here
Join: Mindful Movement Space Facebook group for similar events in and around swindon.