Links to other sources of help and information:
Body~Mind Coaching: Read my Blog for useful health and wellbeing tips.
You can also watch my videos and some that I recommend on my youtube channel
Connect and join me on: facebook or Linkedin for news, insights and to keep up with events.
Natural Therapy Centre: which I started in 1994, has information about the Natural Therapy Centre in Swindon. You will find it’s history as well as information about renting space.
Links to other Practitioners:
It also has a list of other therapists I am happy to recommend and the Centre’s newsletter archive and press articles.
Other useful resources:
My chosen charity: Freedom Kit bags supports health and education for women in Nepal. Helping them overcome the stigma of menstruation.
Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs IOEE.
What doctors don’t tell you: Independent advice on medicine’s dangers and alternatives that work.
More on mindful moving meditation types: What is Open floor movement and 5 Rhythms. My Mindful Movement Facebook group
Spot signs and symptoms of depression
Improving emotional health and handling emotions