
Do you feel stressed?

Is your life like an up-hill battle and you feel a bit like the person in the picture?

picture of a man pushing a car up a hill repesenting a stressfull life

  • Feeling overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, nervous about something in particular?
  • Do you get angry easily, find it difficult making decisions?
  • Do you suffer with headaches, hot flushes, palpitations?

If so you are not alone.  These can all be signs of stress!  Stress might be the norm these days, but that doesn’t mean it has to be that way for you.

It is agreed, by the medical profession, that stress is the cause or aggravates most diseases, yet they continue to treat the symptom not the cause.

Would you like to feel different?
May be more confident, relaxed or clearer?
Don’t spend time and energy managing stress, when you can get rid of it!

20 steps

I know a massage helps and so does a day at the spa, but this feeling doesn’t last more than a few days (if you are lucky). That is because it treats the symptoms, not the cause. Nothing fundamental has changed in you and you keep repeating the same things and patterns that get you stressed in the first place.

This I suspect is probably because you have no idea where it stems from, nor what you can do instead – otherwise you would have already done it.

Deal with the cause.

If you felt confident, you would be able to handle whatever came your way!

Discover simple things you can do which will help you unwind and really release the tension in your body, wherever and whenever you need it. Then you won’t  have to wait for the next holiday to do so.  This will make a huge difference to your stress levels.

Beat stress and perform at your best

If you don’t like the way you feel and you want to do something about it.  Find out how you can improve your health and well-being. Apply the 20 simple steps in your life so you can feel better and more in charge of your life.less stress life a man driving a car feeling confident and smiling

You can get rid of fear, anxiety, anger, guilt, frustration and all the parts of stress, which are getting in the way of you performing at your best!   This will help you regain clarity, energy and sleep better too.

Either contact me to book a taster session or to be informed of the next workshop date subscribe to Up-dates.

Date:  workshop TBC  One to one online session dates available to suit you.

Below is my video, as a taster of the questions I ask.  It helps people better understand what is going on for them and what to do about their situation.

You can also see a demonstration of how quickly and easily a stress issue can be resolved using Body~Mind Coaching and EMDR on this video 

You can find the full presentation (30 min) about stress on my YouTube channel.